It's been a while - Small Update on what I'm doing right now

Hey to everyone actually reading this. xD

As the title says its been a while since I posted over here and the last thing I've posted was that I'm going to release a the Dream Molder Demo soon.

Most people probably know, but just in case...
I posted demo links on Furaffinity and Deviant Art, so for anyone that was looking for those:

Full Version with H-Scene (Needs FA Account for age check)

Censored Version without nudity / explicit scenes

Also, Im bad with keeping things short, here's what Im going to do over the next weeks put together so you dont need to read anything from below. xD
- Writing Important Story Parts for Dream Molder
- Sketching and Drawing Art for New Short VN
- Searching for Writer to help me with writing and improving Dream Molder Story
- Searching voice actor and practicing use of voice in animations and games

Whats next?

Well, most people that played the demo wished for a full game ofc.
I did try writing on it since the demo release too, but my lack of free time, and current poor health and concentration issues keep the progress slow.

My current writing and english skills also dont seem to help.
I get stuck a lot and dont really know how to fill time between events.

I also stress out on it too much, draggin my mood down and keeping the times I'am actually able to write at minimum.

So beeing in the mood for a different setting I started writing on another short visual novel everytime I got stuck with Dream Molder again.
Right now I probably got more progress on that one than on Dream Molder itself, not to my satisfaction of course. :/

Im also searching for someone to help me with writing Dream Molder.
The Idea is to write down the most important parts/chapters and give them to someone that can clean them out and connect them to fill in all the blank space while I can start working on the art for the game.

That way I could release the game faster while increasing how long it actually is.
Thats at least the idea.
I dont know how it would work out in the end and if I really find someone. xD

Maybe Im just overthinking it now and when Im done with the important parts I wont need someone after all.

For now Im just posting this to keep me going, trying to motivate me enough to start working fluently on it again.

The Other Visual Novel I started writing on

(A quick color and size test with a sketch of the heroin, Nuhibi. Really just a trying around how the box could look like and what kind of animations would be fine for idle stance before I colorate anything)

For a few days in a row while progress with Dream Molder was slow, I had this idea of an desert setting stuck in my head that kept plaguing me everytime I tried to focus.

So at some point I just started writing for what was supposed to be a small story for a short H-Game, so I can put it to the side and start working on Dream Molder again.
I had so many ideas for it though that it quickly became more than I actually wanted to do and now I feel kind of stuck and torn between both games since I already have so little time to work on anything.

I wanted to do a really short game out of it, the lenght of the Dream Molder demo at max.
Instead of game lenght I wanted to use the help I got from my patreons to improve in every way possible.
Better art, animations, music and writing that shows the progress I made since the Dream Molder demo and as a challenge for myself.
Even thought about getting someone to voice act the heroin, Nuhibi. (I come back to that later)
I wanted to release it before I'm done writing Dream Molder so I can step up the quality even more or at least test what I could be capable of in a full Dream Molder later on.

I'am mostly posting this to get myself back to writing Dream Molder, but I also hope to raise some interest in this new one since I kind of like the whole idea.
It's nothing pokemon related and more original than Dream Molder, but maybe someone would like to hear more.

So if anyone is interested, here is the general idea without spoilers:

The story is set in a vast desert land that is ruled by an pharao-like king,
praised and worshipped by its people.
Because of its barren landscape the people of this land mostly rely on 
the gift of their native god to survive.

A hybrid human/dog (pretty much Anubis xD) that rules the land together with the king.
This hybrid is less a god than it is an avatar that carries the wisdom and power of their predecessors within itself.
They live for hundreds of years and bring rich harvest and fortune to the land until a fateful illness befalls them, foretelling their death and the birth of their successor.

Nobody knows how and why these hybrids end up beeing born this way, but people idolize them as gods and protector of their home.

The main protagonist is Nuhibi, one of these hybrids that was born and raised to become the queen and god the land needs after the years of drought and poverty that follow their birth where they have no control over their powers yet.

Nearing the day of the ritual that marks her maturity and grants her access to those powers she doubts herself and the ritual, thinking of it as nothing more than an excuse to keep her confined in the temple she grew up in.
The story is about her feelings she build up until now and the changes she goes through with the upcoming ritual...

Straight forward it's still going to be a H-Game, the story will revolve around it in a way.
I still liked the idea though and thought I share it with you guys..

Here's some early sketches of Nuhibi.
Was going for an Anubis Monster Girl kind of look, like the one from KC.
Not final yet, but I like her look in itself.
Actually thought about a full on furry design since most people that look at my stuff probably are more into that, but wanted to have a change of pace after working on Dream Molder.

Her character is that of a typical tsundere/himedere.
She was raised as a royal and put above others, what shows in arrogance from the outside.
Knowing where she came from and feeling imprisoned for life, she envies the ordinary people and wants to escape the palace and her future as a queen.
Torn between those two sides she can be quite inhonest and irritated.

So thats wraps it up pretty much, thats what Im doing right now in the free time I can spare.
- Writing on Dream Molder
- Sketching and finishing Nuhibis VN Story

I really wish I was able to work more and faster on these games, but I guess Im still doing things wrong in some way and keep getting distracted...
For a big parts its also just my health issues, so I hope that it gets better at some point and I can finally properly throw myself into this again!

Wish me luck. xD
I hope to update you guys soon!