Everything going way too slow this month.. v.v

Hey everyone, It's been almost 2 weeks since my last update and thought another small one would be nice.
Work is going slowly right now because of me working and having less time + bad mood that gives me even less motivation and energy atm.
Was hoping to get everything done by 25th this month but that probably wont happen.
I have a free day tomorror so I've got the time to do some more stuff, let's hope I get something done.

So far I got out most of the bugs that the current version of the game has.
Fullscreen should work now, some minor hang ups and some gallery related bugs have been fixed as well.
Had to rewrite a lot of scripts in the whole game to make it work for some reason.
Definitely changing the software as soon as possible. xD

I also extracted the text of the game to search for grammar and spelling errors, since english and writing isn't exactly my forte. xD
I did correct a lot of stuff but I still have to reinsert the text into the game by hand. :/

Title screens are also done and animated.
I will upload them together with the link of the public version of the game later this month.
Here's a small preview though if you're interested.

Like I said in the last post, it's nothing big. Just some small movements to give the title more life.

Last thing I'm working on before I put everything together again is the patreon exclusive animation.
I decided to make the cheat menu in the title screen patreon exlusive too. So if you have Ideas for any additional cheats you can just let me now and I'll add what I can. :>

The animation still needs some time though, that's why I think that I won't get done till the 25th.
I finished the picture but I'm still far from animating. As in the last post, I'm taking apart the image and put it together as a model to properly animate it right now.
Depending on how many different animation loops I want to make out of it the animation itself will also take some additional time to make.

Here's a convienient lightray version of the picture though, so you can imagine how it could look like if I actually get it done.

I'll upload an uncensored version of the picture on Furaffinity once I'm done animating.
The animation itself will be part of the patreon version of the game and as an downloadable hq video on too.

So far so good, wish me luck with the creating and sorry that I'm taking my time,
I'm still pretty bad at all this.. D:

Thanks for everyone that follows my post's and progress here though. :3
I'll keep you updated, hopefully.