Some more sketches and searching ideas for random animations/artwork

Hey everyone,
Thought I could try giving at least some small updates even though there isnt much I could show..

I started sketching some more stuff for the desert game over the past few days like I said I would in my last update.
I think Im quite pleased with the style Nuhibis turned out with and can finish the sketches with some additional clothing layers before I start lining/coloring and animating them on the computer.

I've done quite a few and I dont want to show too much of the desert game before the actual release, but here is some examples to make an yourself an image of the art style the game will likely be in.

I'm still going to try around, deform and work with the sketches before actually lining them, but that comes later..

For now I focus on finishing the Dream Molder Story parts only.
Then I probably start with some sketches for that one too before I do any more work for the desert game.

I'm still figuring out how long the game is actually supposed to be.
I've read that ~10k words is around  1 hour of gameplay in an visual novel.

So for how much words should I aim for?
If I release the game in parts I could do short 10-20k word story releases that are around 1-2h long, extending the story with every release.

That would be easier on my side and I could release stuff earlier.
But a full game would probably feel a lot nicer and look better in the end.

Lets see how it looks after the story parts are completly written.
Im already looking forward for drawing everything since once Im done with the story everything will go a lot faster.

Searching for Artwork Ideas

Im also searching for some artwork ideas to draw and animate since I dont like keeping it down all the time like this.
People could loose interest and that would lower my motivation all together.
I also feel bad for not uploading anything on my patreon since I take so long for the games.

I know that I said the patreon is solely as support and thanks for the games Im doing since I dont have the time for more stuff, still makes me feel bad about it though. :/

So if you have any wishes, go for it and post them.
I'll take a look if I see something that I like and start drawing!

Could be anything from Hentai-Scene-Pairings to random artworks or simple sketches.
Just specify what pairings, and if pokemon/similear related if it should be Anthro or Vanilla-like stuff.

I thought about posting some more Braixen stuff that comes to my mind from time to time, but I guess people are fed up with that one too after a while. xD
Especially when there's a Visual Novel based on it coming after.

Feel free to suggest or ask me anything, I'll try to do and answer what I can.

Well then, I will try to post news again when its possible for me.
Have a nice start into the week everyone! :>