Happy Holidays everyone! (Edit-03.01.2019)

Just a quick update for everyone not following my patreon on what I'm doing right now and what's going to happen next.

What I'm working on rest of the month:

As posted before I took things a bit slower with Dream Molder this month and worked on the Lucario picture instead.
And even though I did like the feedback I actually wanted to make an animation out of it until today, which I sadly didn't get done in time...

I'm still working on it though and maybe I can still get it out before end of the year when I start investing more time into dream molder again.

Here's a little preview to the lucario animation:

This really is highly WIP.
As you can see some parts are still missing/not moving with the model properly.
But the model is almost done and I'm looking forward to trying around with it and see what I can do with it in the end.

I'm hoping to get a small moving/breathing animation loop like this for wallpaper use and maybe one with more action or even somewhat interactive.

But we'll see what I can do.
Of course I will upload high Quality Versions of it on my Patreon again, and if I don't get it done by end of the month I wont charge for it by the time it's out.

EDIT 2 ################
Happy new year everyone!

I already wanted to get the lucario animation out days ago, but the rendering is taking ages.
I have way too many different version and it takes up to an hour for just one to render.
That's mostly my computer that keeps freezing on me while trying to convert the stuff but worst is that I keep finding obvious mistakes that I have to correct, but always after rendering the file.

Sorry about the extra wait, I'll upload them the moment I can!

What I do next month:
I got asked if I'm going to post art like this every month from now on, and I probably wont have the time if I want to get some proper progress on Dream Molder.
However, I'm thinking about doing this every second month and let you vote which pokemon in the time I'm not drawing anything.

Right now I don't have any idea for a Pokemon/Picture yet, so feel free to tell  me what you would like to see.

That's pretty much all the time I have for this post right now and I'll probably edit/look over it tomorrow.

So until then... happy holidays and a nice start into the week everyone!

Short Update

Hey everyone, just giving the short update I promised in the side-bar.

I was actually hoping that I could release the sketch demo before end of the year, but after running a few tests on the first couple scenes that I finished I found way too many bugs and little mistakes that still needed change before I can actually release anything.

And I'm not even done with all of them yet...

And since I don't have that much time to work on it at the moment I will most probably not be able to get it out before end of the year..

Seeing your feedback however I feel like taking my time to work everything out seems to be the better option anyways and I won't have to worry as much about it.
Thanks for that.

Most people probably aren't even interested in the sketch demo anyway since it will mostly consist of text.

Instead I'm hoping to at least get some random artwork out and maybe even make a H animation out of it.
Here is one of the few sketches I did that has the highest probability that I'm going to keep working on it:


(Update: 14.12.18 Not much time to give info right now since I have to get up in the morning, but wanted to at least show the progress.
Picture is about done, with lots of different variations of it as well.
With and without breasts, male/female, "censored" one without gender and so on..
Even with shiny version of all of them.

Not quite satisfied with them, but probably not able to do it better at the moment either.
Gonna upload it on a few sites and think about adding a few patreon ranks to upload the projects files for it as a reward as well. Not sure about it though..
For now I'll just leave you with this :>)

I drew multiple version of it. A male, female and a anthropomorphic (the sketch) one.
If I'm going to properly colorate it I'm going to upload all of them on patreon, but I'll let you know when I actually do.

The longer I'm working on the game the more I realize that I need some help if I want to finish it at some point, so I'm still thinking of how to actually take some.
If you have some ideas of how I should handle things let me know.

That's all for now, I'll update over here in this post if there's anything going on.

Last Update (probably) before Sketch Demo (Edit)

Hey again everyone.

I didn't expect to actually give text-only updates every month, but here we are...

I have a lot going on in real life at the moment.
There's always some days of peace and quiet inbetween, but I can't work on the game every day like I would like to.

Some of it has to do with work, some with family and my own health.
So until at least some of it is cleared up things will go a little bit slower...

Starting next year everything should hopefully be somewhat smoother again.

Until then I just have to push a little to get updates out and actually show some of the things I've done.

Sketch Demo

For anyone that didn't notice through the side bar, I started working on the sketch demo.

I'm not completely done with the character sketches yet, but through the stuff that is going on right now I don't have the patience/concentration to finish them either.

Instead I started importing and correcting the remaining text/dialogues of the game.

Right now I'm about 80% done with importing the planned text.
The last bit should only take a few days, followed by scripting some of the scenes and adding some tentative sounds and music.

Just finished to edit and import the last bit of the text I've planned.
However, I think I would like to re-add some of the scenes from one of the paths I removed because I didn't like how it turned out in the end.
I will need to rewrite them for that and that might take some additional time but I hope it makes it worth the wait.

Also thanks for the feedback guys.
It might not seem like much but a few comments like that already give me the motivation I need to keep doing my stuff through the daily stress.
So have a nice weekend everyone! (10.11.2018)

Edit 3:
For anyone that noticed the 2nd edit, I got my computer back running.
I didn't lose any progress and can just keep working, sorry about freaking anyone out. xD
I will still need to keep an eye on the com for now but hope to not have any further problems until release of sketch demo.

To put it together the Sketch Demo will include:

- every major path and decision of the game
- all/most of the character sketches that will later on be replaced with colorated versions

It will not include:

- any of the H-Scenes
- CG's and Background Images
- Minigames
- Extra and Bonus Scenes

This demo is pretty much for everyone that's interested or wants to help out writing/correcting the story.
Unlike in the reading sample character sketches will give some more life to most of the scenes.
Sadly CG's that are also a big part of the game will still be missing and only a description of them/placeholder will be in their place.

Updates after Sketch Demo

After finishing the sketch demo I will keep working on it in this order:

- finishing and fixing character sketches/scenes you think are simply ugly or need to be reworked
- sketching and writing dialogues for h-scenes
> Releasing Sketch Demo with additional H-Scenes

- colorating and animating the H-Scenes
> Releasing some animation samples for H-Scenes on Patreon

- sketching the CG's and Backgrounds for the game
- scripting menus, options and some addition game stuff like extra decisions
> Releasing new version of Sketch Demo, complete with all sketches of everything in the game

- colorating the sketches until 100% of the games art is colorated
- adding or making better fitting music for the game (likely because of rights of use)
> First release of early version of the game

- making animations for some characters, CG's and additional customizations
- adding bonus scenes (with some additional H-Animations)
- implementing some mini-games
- some after work in every area of the game
> Full release of the game

There are/is quite some steps/time until the full release at the bottom, but this is what I'm hoping to do after the sketch release.

To be honest I'm getting quite impatient because no matter how much work I do I don't seem to get anywhere...

Maybe I will take a break and work on a different game inbetween, but for now I will follow the plan though.

I hope this post in itself shows what's going on with the game right now and there's some of you that look ahead for the sketch demo.

Like always if you have any questions or anything just leave a comment, I'll answer whatever I can.

Alright then, have a nice weekend everyone and I'll see when I upload the sketch demo. :>

Back to drawing and customisation

Hey everyone, just a small post to keep you up to date.

The progress over the last few weeks was quite slow since I was gone over the end of the month and then got sick right after, but I hope that it's going faster while I'm gradually getting better again.

Reading Sample
Last month I released a reading sample and got some feedback to help improving the story.
It wasn't exactly the feedback I was hoping for but as long as someone responds it's better than nothing I guess. xD
So thanks to Sparky66 for reading through everything and giving his thoughts. :>

The reading sample is going to stay online for a couple more days, but as soon as I have the time I'm going to take it down again until I have some more stuff to test for you guys...

The next thing is probably going to be the sketch demo, at least as long as I'm not taking a break from drawing the character sketches again what takes us to the next thing...

Character Sketches
I finished a little bit over half of the character sketches now, only missing a little bit over 100 sketches before I can start putting together a proper demo for gameplay tests.

Most of these character sketches are going to be poses for Braixen (~50) what is way too much
and could have been completely avoided by using expressions instead of poses, but I'am hesitant in using those.

If someone wonders what the expression/pose thing is about...

Poses swap the whole posture of the character in a scene to give a detailed image of how the he reacts in certain situations.

This can not only make the game look more alive but also help define the character and/or help out if the game lacks the writing.

While this probably (at least in my opinion) looks best, drawing a different pose for every scene would be a lot of work and in cases where you need to hire a artist for your game not even affordable.

That's why people draw expressions instead.

Pretty much the same thing as poses, but instead of using the whole body to describe how the character feels it's only the face or sometimes an arm/something similear that's changing.

This takes a lot of work from the artist and can also decrease game size if you have a limit for that aswell.

Most games use 1 pose per character and only rely on expressions like this to save budget and can make the game look boring, especially if it doesn't have anything else to go for.

I did plan on using tons of poses at the start, but this is obviously not feasible for me to create in such a short amount of time by myself. Especially since I'm still not good enough to keep them in a good quality.

I will still try to keep some poses, but keeping it up so I can actually finish it someday is definitely more important.

Instead I will try to animate the different expressions later on using Live2d, what I already tested over the week while I was too sick to draw...

Animation and Customisation
I already mentioned in earlier posts that I want to implement some kind of customisation for Braixen and the possability for a shiny at game start...

Using Live2d I already tested for a simple way for me to implement these things without having to put in tons of scripts and grafics.

I added a simple/subtle breathing animation to one of the sketches and added an option to color/replace parts, what seemed to work completely fine ingame.

This is just a simple test of course, but you can probably expect animated characters and changeable hairstyles like in this in the full version now that I tested it.

There's some big stuff coming up in real life and I will probably have to take some breaks from drawing inbetween, but I'm still hoping to release the sketch demo including samples for the h-scenes before end of the year.

We'll see how it goes.

Change of plans

Hey everyone, just a quick heads up that I'm changing the process of making the game up a little.

Since last update

After posting the last update I started drawing nonstop for like 20 days and drew around 100 ( roughly 45%) of the Character Sketches I needed.
But after around 70-80 of the sketches the speed and quality definitely dropped and it was obvious that I need to take a break.

To not loose any time I started preparing for the first release/demo of the game instead, by designing the UI, implementing some scripts and making replacement grafics to use until I have the actual sketches later on.

This means there's at least a "playable" version of the first scene, right now that looks somewhat like this:

I made a similear "sketched" version for the first dream molder demo back then that looked somewhat like this:

Sketch/Story Demo for reading

Unlike the sketch demo back then that I only used to test for myself, I'm planning on releasing the new "sketch demo" for you guys to read through it.
This way I can collect feedback on what I have of the story right now while showing at least some of the stuff I did so far.

This also gives you guys the ability to proof read and/or translate it into your own language since I've got a few offers for that as well.

However, I want to make clear that the demo will not contain any of the backgrounds/CG's and H-Scenes yet and will only have placeholders for now. (Like the blurred out BG001 up there)
Most of the functions and mini games, as well as additional decisions wont be implemented yet either.
So it really is just a for reading and those of you that are interested in the art and animations will have to wait a little bit longer.

But for those interested in the story and general writing, I'm trying to hurry things and put the whole thing together asap.

Monthly future Demos and Updates

After releasing this Sketch/Story Demo, I will start to draw/sketch the missing art for the scenes and release them every month on my patreon.
So there's finally some stuff to see and actual benefit of beeing patron (beside knowing that you help me make this thing ofc xD)

This way you will see the game progress together with me, the work I put in it and be able to influence it by telling me what should be changed or added.

I have a lot of plans for the game in itself and I'm going to share all of them once the first demo is out, but for now I will need to transfer the raw story/dialogues into the game.

One last thing..
I'm sorry that you guys have to wait this long, but it's clear that the project in itself still too much for me to handle and I lack the experience, time and composure to work on it faster.

This just shows that I should stick to smaller/ short-story sized projects for now, or at least as long as I don't have a team to work together with.
But that's the future, so until then I'm going to concentrate on this and hope you stay around. :>

Have a great week everyone. 

Started drawing phase

Nothing too big here. Just wanted to let you know that I finished everything from story/dialogue to addtional notes/material list and already started drawing.

For now it's only sketches, character and outfit designs mostly.
But after will be the actual Expressions/Poses and CG's for the game.
(Even though I'm already bored/annoyed of design sketches and might start with those sooner xD)

I still need to figure out how I do it though and get the feel for it again.
But once I get used to the drawing the progress will be faster.

For anyone interested here's some numbers from the material list:

I will have to sketch around:
Character / Clothing Designs ~ 40x
Characters                               ~ 10x
Poses / expressions                 ~ 250x
CG's / Pictures                        ~ 300x
BG's                                        ~ 50x

Those numbers are definitely way too high.
Especially the CG's are too many and I will probably need to rethink some scenes to reduce that number.
Not all of them are CG's, some of them are simple pictures of objects that get shown or simply variations of another on a different path but I will probably still have to sort out a few.

The way I will do it for now is that I start with the character poses, add the different expressions to them, then work on the CG's to check if they're really needed and can be replaced with similear character poses.
Scenes that aren't as impactful will probably stay written instead of showing them in CG, this should make it possible for now...
Can't tell before trying I guess.

But that's pretty much it.
I already started some Pose and Character sketches but will only update the progress bar once they're done, since I like going over to the next if I'm stuck on one sketch.
Still kind of annoyed by the little amount of time I have to work on it right now, but I'll try to make the most out of it.

One last thing...
I also started a random-CG like picture of Braixen+Childhood friend to post on some Art related sites like FA and DA (slightly lewd to get some attention xD) to remind people of this project/blog and provide some additional links to it. (Going to update profiles to include the link as well.)
This should make it easier to find this blog since this seemed to be a problem.

It's still WIP and it looks like I need to figure out how to properly colorate first. (I'm also unsure about childhood friends haircolor to be honest, never really thought about it. xD)
But I thought I show you what I'm working on and stuff.
I'm also going to upload a bigger/hq version of it on patreon once it's done.
I'm gonna concentrate on the sketches for now though.

Also for anyone that doesn't care about seeing some spoilers here is a additional sketch:
>>> Spoilers <<<
Some people were looking forward to this one, so I thought I would show the design to you in case it isn't what you were hoping for. So just let me know if you like it or not.

Im going to add some additional stuff on the spoiler page later on, like some CG and (maybe)h-scene sketches once they're done. I thought about uploading the whole story+dialogues as well.
Would need to clean up the text for that though, sort everything for better readability and so on..
This would all take away a lot of time from sketching though and I will have to figure out when to do it first. Especially since I would sort and clean it up once I make the first demo anyway.

But this way curious people would already have something to look at and can give feedback on different scenes / straighten it out if they wanted to, so I keep it in mind.

Okay, that's all for now and I actually didn't want to write that much.
Just wanted to give through some numbers and let you know what I'm doing. :>

Huge, detailed progress update and some more infos to Dream Molder

Hey everyone, it's about time for me to give an update again!
I actually wanted to do this a while ago and started writing this post a few times, but never actually finished/puplished it because of lacking the time to...

But the last proper Update has been way to long and I guess I also did a lot, so here's my next attempt at giving some proper update on the games progress.

This is going to be a lot of info like random sketches, a lot of numbers and rambling from my side, and so on...
So for anyone that just wants to know if I'm still working on this: I do.
Just not updating as frequently because I have a lot going on.

When is it done?
Probably still going to take a while, won't really be able to tell how long for sure..
But since the writing is mostly done I can concentrate on doing the art now and once I have the full list of what still needs to be done I can probably estimate a time for the first release of a demo too.
For now my random updates from time to time have to be enough. :c

  • Writing and Story Part
              - Word Count
  • Next Step: Adding Notes
  • Charakter Sketches
              - Braixen
              - Braixen Style Choices
              - Childhood Friend
              - Other Characters
  • Material Checklist
  • End Notes

Let's start with the..
Writing and Story Part

I took a while to write the whole thing and I'm happy that it's finally over. xD
I still have a lot of problems with writing.
First of all, writing in another language makes it hard to write things in a "beautiful" way from time to time since I don't know enough about the language in itself or what words I can/cannot use in some situations.

I had a lot of ideas in my language that translated simply wouldn't make sense.
Guess the only thing that could fix this would be reading more books and playing more VN's in english. :.D

Another thing I had problems with is motivation.
I had to force myself to keep writing a lot when I didn't have the ideas and inspirations, what visibly resulted in worse outcomes.

I'm still feeling bad about some parts that just aren't as good, especially the early ones where I just didn't know how to even start yet.
But I'm going to look over them again once I put everything together and hopefulle fix some of them while I'm at it.

The last bit that I failed at is experience and knowledge alltogether.
For example, if I don't know enough about a certain job or hobby a character has I can't write properly about it and make it seem "real".
I didn't think enough about that before I started writing and ended up a lot of failed research and trying to work around it.

This will need some fixing before I release any of the text, but for now I will do everything else since I have the rough story and dialogue needed to make a list with art I need for the game.

Word Count
At this moment of time the story has around 120k words, distributed ~44 scenes and 5 different game paths. (Counting in names, but not the H-Scenes)
This isn't a lot considering the time I took to write it, and most of it falls into the later parts of the story where I kind of got the hang of it.

I saw somewhere that ~10k words are roughly 1h of reading time.
If this is true it would take over 10 hours to play through every path of the game without skipping.
And this isn't even counting in the waiting times for art and sound, animations and the later added H-scenes that probably are a large part of the game as well.

I'm still removing, changing and adding stuff, but I hope that in the end the game will be not only long enough but also decent enough to keep people playing and let them not just skip through.
But yeah.. Just wanted to give through some numbers for anyone curious

Next Step, adding Notes

The next step for me would be to add some additional notes to the game for me to use once I create the exe.

For example what kind of transition I want to use in which scene, what pose is needed for the character and so on...
Additionally I will add every new pose, background and character needed in those notes to a material checklist, so I know what I still need to draw before I can put together the first simple, uncolorized demo with the sketches.

This will take a while since I need to read through the whole thing again and add my little infos after every sentence.
When I started writing I actually added the notes alongside, but I dropped doing this because I thought It would make the progress of writing even slower and distract me in the end.

It won't make a difference time wise since I have to do it afterwards anyway I guess, but I guess I feel better with it now that the story in itself is done.

Once I added notes to all the scenes I have the complete material list and can add proper timers and percentages to the progress bars on the main site again since I will know what I still have to do.

Character Sketches

Even though I wanted to do the notes first I took a break inbetween to start doing some of the character sketches.
For one I wanted a break from reading through the story and adding notes every few words, but I also wanted to have at least something that I can show with my next update here on the site.

While I did have a vague idea of how I want the characters to look like I never drew the proper 
references or wrote any kind of character description.

This was mostly because I only focused on Braixen and the H-Scene as I made the small demo that I already released.
Since this way I didn't have to care about story stuff and could concentrate on practicing drawing and animating, as I just
started learning them.

However, this resulted in different looking Braixen's and sketches over the time of making the game
since my opinion of how I want Braixen to look like and my drawing style changed along the way.

That's why I will start with the reference sketches to every character before doing anything else.
And for the purpose of showing at least some work I did, here's some of the first few sketches I did for some of the characters...

Braixen went through some changes over the time.
When I started I had an idea of how I wanted her to look like but It didn't really work out when I tried to put it into different poses and emotions.

As you can see in the gallery I changed the design quite a bit while making the first demo.
Some of it was because of lacking the skill to transfer the look into different poses, the other was that I wanted Braixen to look smaller and more "Braixen-like" than I had planned in the start.

With the new design I tried to keep the original feeling while making her smaller what I think worked out in the end.
I'm not quite happy with the face yet because I want to keep an Anime kind of style and it already goes more into the western direction...
Guess I need to figure out where the line between the two is, but it's only the first few sketches after all and I'm still going to try around with different stuff.

Please let me know what you think about the new look and/or what you liked better on the old one!
Maybe people liked the old ones and I should focus more on keeping the old feel, so just tell me what you think. :>
I want to make it as good as possible after all..

Braixen's different Style Choices
While Braixen has her set design I want to give the player some choices to change some details on her like hairstyles, accessories and fur maintenance alltogether.
Those choices wouldn't affect the story in any way, but alter Braixens look to the players liking and add some diversity in different playthroughs.

Here's a few examples I already played around with, maybe there's one you like. :D

I've still got a few more and sketches for possible accessories, but this should show what kind of choices I want to give.
I even though about going a step further and give people that support me on patreon the ability to give me their own designs / OC Braixens that I would implement as extra style choice, unlocked through password or using a special name for Braixen at the start.

Although I would love to do all this is just an idea/concept for now though.
The If the styles look too different from the base sprite it's going to be a lot of work to make it work in every scene, so I'm still thinking about how I actually build the game in a way that it's possible wile keeping extra work to a minimum.
Right now I'm thinking about adding the extra Style choices as an overlay or make the sprites in live2d, only loading in the set choice, but we'll see about that later.

For now I'll focus on putting everything together, extra styles will be less important in that matter.
Let me know what you think of the idea though and if you like the style choices I already gave.
Maybe you have your own idea/OC you would like to see inGame?

Player's Childhood friend
Player's childhood friend was a character I had in mind since making the first demo and I already made some sketches for her back then.
She was supposed to be the care taker of Braixen before she got to live with the Player and he had a crush on her when they were younger.
She's supposed to be a free spirit and a tomboy that doesn't give a damn about what other people say.
She was also planned as a dateable choice for the Player, even though I'm still changing up some stuff..

The design pretty much stayed the same, I just tried to draw it in a newer, more fitting style while adding a little bit of spice to the hair to make it look more wild and uncared for?

The old sketch was also never ment to be in the game or to show, just kind of a trying around what she could look like.
(If you're wondering why she's naked in the new sketch, I'm drawing characters with multiple outfits without clothes to easily draw the different outfits over the body and try around.)
((Also I'm still pretty bad at drawing proper clothes and as long as I don't have to for the design I'll try not to do it in the first place xD))

Other Characters
There are some more characters that I can show without spoiling anything, but I can't give much more information besides showing you sketches...
The first one is the old maid that was already part of the demo, just without picture.
To be honest I'm not really sure how to make her look yet since this is the first time that I'm drawing an older person. But we'll see... x.x

The second one is a character that joins later on in the game and was planned to be part of the demo but left out after all. I don't want to spoil anything else though..

The last one isn't really a Character of the story and more some sort of bonus you get to see.
But you will have to figure that one out yourself once I have a proper demo of the full version. :>

But this is pretty much all I can show you guys in sketches so far.
Once I start drawing the actual game poses and CG's I might have some more to post.

Material Checklist
Even though it was nice to take a break from writing the notes and make some sketches I will have to go back to writing the checklist so I can properly start drawing.

The list of sketches that needs to be drawn will be huge.
I have a list for 130 CG's already just for the first ~12 scenes that I finished so far, and there's still a 30 more scenes to go...

While a big part of those 130 CG's is a scene that plays more like a picture book, without text and some of the CG's are simple pictures of objects, I'am definitely to generous with scenes that should be put into CG's...

For now I will keep it this way though and when I start drawing the sketches for those CG's I will sort out what actually becomes one and what get's scripted as a normal VN scene however.

Once I'am done with the list I will also be able to update the progress bars on the site properly again, so until then everything is a little bit vague even if I do draw some additional sketches.

End Notes
But that's pretty much it...
I probably forgot about a few things, but I think I wrote more than enough for now and hardly anyone will actually read through all of it.

I will try to give smaller but more frequent updates again once I have more sketches and stuff to show without spoiling anything. (And if I have the time for it)

I hope that this update was worth writing though and please let me know if you have any questions, ideas or general comments to the game/anything.
You guys keep me motivated and working on this so any kind of comment or critique helps even though I mostly answer questions only..

Well then that's it for now.
I hope you found some useful information or news in this mess of a post and I'll see you next time..
Have a nice weekend everyone!

Dream Molder game length and progress update

Hey everyone!
I actually didn't want to give updates without any pictures or anything new to see, but I also
didnt want to go too long without any news again...

A few weeks ago I said that I'm going to finish the scipt for Dream Molder next and today after work I finally sat down another 8 hours without break to finish the last bit of it.

It's around 3am here right now and I have to get up again in the morning so I'm trying to not drag this out too long and give out some Info on what I have and what I still have to do right now.
If anyone wants to have more infos or has wishes / proposals for the game, you can always leave me a message.
Preferably on Furaffinity or Deviant Art since I visit them on breaks or on the road and will see them fastest.
I will see them here too at some point, but until the site actually has some activity it will take much longer before I realize, sry about that. D:

Enough of that, here we go:

Game Size / Length
The game itself is devided into ~18 scenes for one playthrough. (Without counting in H-Scenes)
In comparison, the Dream Molder demo I released used 3 scenes.
  • The story introduction + day at fair
  • The dream scene at night
  • The H-Scene
If we say that the Demo was ~1 hour of gameplay, the full game lengh should be around 6 hours for one playthrough.
This is estimated pretty generously of course since the demo wasn't 1 hour of gameplay for everyone.
Additionally the scenes won't all have the same lenght so it's really just a guess for now.
But adding the H-Scenes it'll hopefully get to at least 6-7 hours.

For additional info, I will reuse the scenes from the demo but completly rewrite them to better fit the whole story and fresh them up.

Planned are 5 endings for now and I hope to add a lot of small questions that might not influence the story / ending but change up the gameplay in a way, like additional styles and outfits for Braixen.
The different endings (unlike the demo ones) completly change the outcome of the story and if the player even gets to be with Braixen.

2 Endings are with Braixen, 1 with a story relevant girl, 1 could be called the harem route and the last one is a secret. :>

Every ending has his own path and scenes, but the length of the playthrough completly depends on the story and where the path splits up.
So a lot of scenes get reused or just slightly changed until the big change hits.
I still hope that they're worth playing through all of them in the end.

What's still to do?
Next step is properly writing and finishing all the dialogues.
This is going to take a while again, but its the last step before I can start drawing and uploading pictures and sketches for the game.

I also still need to write the Hentai Scenes.
I do have them planned already, but it's easier for me to write them out after I finished the animation to properly match what I drew and make the scene longer / more enjoyable.
Again, makes it slower so its not the best methode but the best I can do right now.

I dont think that it will work out until then, but I hope to get it done over the next 2 weeks.
It all comes down to how much time I have after work and the biggest one if my health plays along.

I really wish I could do this faster, but for now this is all I can do...
Tell me what you guys think and I'm gonna update whenever Im done and ready to draw and animate!

Have a nice week everyone and see you next time! :3

Some more sketches and searching ideas for random animations/artwork

Hey everyone,
Thought I could try giving at least some small updates even though there isnt much I could show..

I started sketching some more stuff for the desert game over the past few days like I said I would in my last update.
I think Im quite pleased with the style Nuhibis turned out with and can finish the sketches with some additional clothing layers before I start lining/coloring and animating them on the computer.

I've done quite a few and I dont want to show too much of the desert game before the actual release, but here is some examples to make an yourself an image of the art style the game will likely be in.

I'm still going to try around, deform and work with the sketches before actually lining them, but that comes later..

For now I focus on finishing the Dream Molder Story parts only.
Then I probably start with some sketches for that one too before I do any more work for the desert game.

I'm still figuring out how long the game is actually supposed to be.
I've read that ~10k words is around  1 hour of gameplay in an visual novel.

So for how much words should I aim for?
If I release the game in parts I could do short 10-20k word story releases that are around 1-2h long, extending the story with every release.

That would be easier on my side and I could release stuff earlier.
But a full game would probably feel a lot nicer and look better in the end.

Lets see how it looks after the story parts are completly written.
Im already looking forward for drawing everything since once Im done with the story everything will go a lot faster.

Searching for Artwork Ideas

Im also searching for some artwork ideas to draw and animate since I dont like keeping it down all the time like this.
People could loose interest and that would lower my motivation all together.
I also feel bad for not uploading anything on my patreon since I take so long for the games.

I know that I said the patreon is solely as support and thanks for the games Im doing since I dont have the time for more stuff, still makes me feel bad about it though. :/

So if you have any wishes, go for it and post them.
I'll take a look if I see something that I like and start drawing!

Could be anything from Hentai-Scene-Pairings to random artworks or simple sketches.
Just specify what pairings, and if pokemon/similear related if it should be Anthro or Vanilla-like stuff.

I thought about posting some more Braixen stuff that comes to my mind from time to time, but I guess people are fed up with that one too after a while. xD
Especially when there's a Visual Novel based on it coming after.

Feel free to suggest or ask me anything, I'll try to do and answer what I can.

Well then, I will try to post news again when its possible for me.
Have a nice start into the week everyone! :>

It's been a while - Small Update on what I'm doing right now

Hey to everyone actually reading this. xD

As the title says its been a while since I posted over here and the last thing I've posted was that I'm going to release a the Dream Molder Demo soon.

Most people probably know, but just in case...
I posted demo links on Furaffinity and Deviant Art, so for anyone that was looking for those:

Full Version with H-Scene (Needs FA Account for age check)

Censored Version without nudity / explicit scenes

Also, Im bad with keeping things short, here's what Im going to do over the next weeks put together so you dont need to read anything from below. xD
- Writing Important Story Parts for Dream Molder
- Sketching and Drawing Art for New Short VN
- Searching for Writer to help me with writing and improving Dream Molder Story
- Searching voice actor and practicing use of voice in animations and games

Whats next?

Well, most people that played the demo wished for a full game ofc.
I did try writing on it since the demo release too, but my lack of free time, and current poor health and concentration issues keep the progress slow.

My current writing and english skills also dont seem to help.
I get stuck a lot and dont really know how to fill time between events.

I also stress out on it too much, draggin my mood down and keeping the times I'am actually able to write at minimum.

So beeing in the mood for a different setting I started writing on another short visual novel everytime I got stuck with Dream Molder again.
Right now I probably got more progress on that one than on Dream Molder itself, not to my satisfaction of course. :/

Im also searching for someone to help me with writing Dream Molder.
The Idea is to write down the most important parts/chapters and give them to someone that can clean them out and connect them to fill in all the blank space while I can start working on the art for the game.

That way I could release the game faster while increasing how long it actually is.
Thats at least the idea.
I dont know how it would work out in the end and if I really find someone. xD

Maybe Im just overthinking it now and when Im done with the important parts I wont need someone after all.

For now Im just posting this to keep me going, trying to motivate me enough to start working fluently on it again.

The Other Visual Novel I started writing on

(A quick color and size test with a sketch of the heroin, Nuhibi. Really just a trying around how the box could look like and what kind of animations would be fine for idle stance before I colorate anything)

For a few days in a row while progress with Dream Molder was slow, I had this idea of an desert setting stuck in my head that kept plaguing me everytime I tried to focus.

So at some point I just started writing for what was supposed to be a small story for a short H-Game, so I can put it to the side and start working on Dream Molder again.
I had so many ideas for it though that it quickly became more than I actually wanted to do and now I feel kind of stuck and torn between both games since I already have so little time to work on anything.

I wanted to do a really short game out of it, the lenght of the Dream Molder demo at max.
Instead of game lenght I wanted to use the help I got from my patreons to improve in every way possible.
Better art, animations, music and writing that shows the progress I made since the Dream Molder demo and as a challenge for myself.
Even thought about getting someone to voice act the heroin, Nuhibi. (I come back to that later)
I wanted to release it before I'm done writing Dream Molder so I can step up the quality even more or at least test what I could be capable of in a full Dream Molder later on.

I'am mostly posting this to get myself back to writing Dream Molder, but I also hope to raise some interest in this new one since I kind of like the whole idea.
It's nothing pokemon related and more original than Dream Molder, but maybe someone would like to hear more.

So if anyone is interested, here is the general idea without spoilers:

The story is set in a vast desert land that is ruled by an pharao-like king,
praised and worshipped by its people.
Because of its barren landscape the people of this land mostly rely on 
the gift of their native god to survive.

A hybrid human/dog (pretty much Anubis xD) that rules the land together with the king.
This hybrid is less a god than it is an avatar that carries the wisdom and power of their predecessors within itself.
They live for hundreds of years and bring rich harvest and fortune to the land until a fateful illness befalls them, foretelling their death and the birth of their successor.

Nobody knows how and why these hybrids end up beeing born this way, but people idolize them as gods and protector of their home.

The main protagonist is Nuhibi, one of these hybrids that was born and raised to become the queen and god the land needs after the years of drought and poverty that follow their birth where they have no control over their powers yet.

Nearing the day of the ritual that marks her maturity and grants her access to those powers she doubts herself and the ritual, thinking of it as nothing more than an excuse to keep her confined in the temple she grew up in.
The story is about her feelings she build up until now and the changes she goes through with the upcoming ritual...

Straight forward it's still going to be a H-Game, the story will revolve around it in a way.
I still liked the idea though and thought I share it with you guys..

Here's some early sketches of Nuhibi.
Was going for an Anubis Monster Girl kind of look, like the one from KC.
Not final yet, but I like her look in itself.
Actually thought about a full on furry design since most people that look at my stuff probably are more into that, but wanted to have a change of pace after working on Dream Molder.

Her character is that of a typical tsundere/himedere.
She was raised as a royal and put above others, what shows in arrogance from the outside.
Knowing where she came from and feeling imprisoned for life, she envies the ordinary people and wants to escape the palace and her future as a queen.
Torn between those two sides she can be quite inhonest and irritated.

So thats wraps it up pretty much, thats what Im doing right now in the free time I can spare.
- Writing on Dream Molder
- Sketching and finishing Nuhibis VN Story

I really wish I was able to work more and faster on these games, but I guess Im still doing things wrong in some way and keep getting distracted...
For a big parts its also just my health issues, so I hope that it gets better at some point and I can finally properly throw myself into this again!

Wish me luck. xD
I hope to update you guys soon!