Change of plans

Hey everyone, just a quick heads up that I'm changing the process of making the game up a little.

Since last update

After posting the last update I started drawing nonstop for like 20 days and drew around 100 ( roughly 45%) of the Character Sketches I needed.
But after around 70-80 of the sketches the speed and quality definitely dropped and it was obvious that I need to take a break.

To not loose any time I started preparing for the first release/demo of the game instead, by designing the UI, implementing some scripts and making replacement grafics to use until I have the actual sketches later on.

This means there's at least a "playable" version of the first scene, right now that looks somewhat like this:

I made a similear "sketched" version for the first dream molder demo back then that looked somewhat like this:

Sketch/Story Demo for reading

Unlike the sketch demo back then that I only used to test for myself, I'm planning on releasing the new "sketch demo" for you guys to read through it.
This way I can collect feedback on what I have of the story right now while showing at least some of the stuff I did so far.

This also gives you guys the ability to proof read and/or translate it into your own language since I've got a few offers for that as well.

However, I want to make clear that the demo will not contain any of the backgrounds/CG's and H-Scenes yet and will only have placeholders for now. (Like the blurred out BG001 up there)
Most of the functions and mini games, as well as additional decisions wont be implemented yet either.
So it really is just a for reading and those of you that are interested in the art and animations will have to wait a little bit longer.

But for those interested in the story and general writing, I'm trying to hurry things and put the whole thing together asap.

Monthly future Demos and Updates

After releasing this Sketch/Story Demo, I will start to draw/sketch the missing art for the scenes and release them every month on my patreon.
So there's finally some stuff to see and actual benefit of beeing patron (beside knowing that you help me make this thing ofc xD)

This way you will see the game progress together with me, the work I put in it and be able to influence it by telling me what should be changed or added.

I have a lot of plans for the game in itself and I'm going to share all of them once the first demo is out, but for now I will need to transfer the raw story/dialogues into the game.

One last thing..
I'm sorry that you guys have to wait this long, but it's clear that the project in itself still too much for me to handle and I lack the experience, time and composure to work on it faster.

This just shows that I should stick to smaller/ short-story sized projects for now, or at least as long as I don't have a team to work together with.
But that's the future, so until then I'm going to concentrate on this and hope you stay around. :>

Have a great week everyone.