Dream Molder - Character Sketch Demo v0.1


Alright, I've been putting a lot of work/time into getting this ready those last few days and it's still not quite done. Some missing character sketches, bugs and spelling mistake that I didn't see while rushing through every path as fast as possible, etc...

Most of all this is here to give an idea of in which direction/style game is going and get the story out to people that might have better writing skills than I do and have the time to / or are willing to help me write this.

If you want to help me write this you can always reach me over at Deviantart or Furaffinity.
(Those are the sites that I see it the fastest.)

Besides helping me rewrite the game your feedback on what you like/don't like is always helpful.
I'm mostly looking for information on:
- how to improve the story/writing
- where should I change the music
- where are CG's needed and where are they too much
- which parts do you enjoy most as a reader 
- which parts did you enjoy the least / didn't like at all

Every info to the above will help me immensly improving and building the game in the future versions.
Besides that, I'm also looking for gamebreaking bugs that stop your progress.

So if you run into something just let me know and I'll try to patch it out as soon as possible.

Once the demo is out I will take a few more days to finish the missing character sketches and patch out every bug that you find, then continue sketching and writing the h-scenes to update the demo as NSFW version.

That's it as a foreword for now, everything else will be some rambling and random info about the game and it's progress/making so far.
A big shoutout and thank you to all of you that so far supported me on my patreon, keep me going with their daily messages (You probably know if that's you ;P) and to those that went through the trouble of playing and commenting on the "Reading Sample".

You guys are great and I'll do my best to improve and release something enjoyable in the end.


Download: Win32
Browser Version: Browser Version Test
Summary + Changelog: Dream Molder Summary Page

Random rambling
Me rambling and ranting about some stuff that I thought about for a while.
Gonna be cringy/whiny though so there's no need to read them if you're just here for the games!