Random Updates and Thoughts + Patreon-Poll Winner

Hey everyone, it's been almost two months since my last update over here...

I've been mostly posting on my Patreon which is why I didn't do much updating over here. (Besides changing the progression sidebar ofc)
So let's make this a big one and cover some of the stuff that happened after Lucario!

Last month I focused on scripting/eventing the Dream Molder scenes which are about 65% done by now.
If the speed keeps up I might be able to finish and give out the Character-Sketch Demo with all the main routes of the story.

Just as in the reading sample I gave out before there's no CG's and H-Scenes yet.
However, unlike in the sample all of the scenes will be fully scripted and show character sketches while speaking and proper message boxes/names.

For anyone that didn't play the reading sample the whole demo will pretty much look like this.

CG's will be simple placeholders with a simple discription for you to know what's happening and a CG-ID for me to know which picture I have to replace them with later on.

<< Example

Also since the character-sketch demo is going to cover all the story paths you will be able to make some decisions this time around.

Back in the first Dream Molder Demo decisions only changed her affection to you to unlock different scenes and decisions in the end of the game.

This time it will have a bigger impact on the story itself, changing what happens and the ending of the story alltogether.

There will still be some smaller decisions just as in the old Demo, but for now it's just the big ones to keep focus on the story.

H-Scenes are the only thing that aren't scripted since I'm waiting for everything else to be done before making those.
To prevent confusion it will show/give notice that there should be one right now but will skip straight to the next scene instead.

This can take from the immersion and skip some of the dialogue, but I think the main story parts should still come through. It's just for now after all.

But yeah, if everything works out I can upload the demo around the end of next month.
So let's hope together.

Patreon Poll Winner / February Pokémon

In my last post I was talking about how I'm thinking of putting up a poll on my patreon so you could vote the next Pokémon for me to draw over february.

As my patrons know I did put one up and the winner of said poll was Zoroark.

I need to say this whole poll thing is more of a experiment right now since I  have pretty big motivational problems if I'm just not in the mood/have the right ideas to draw something.

Sadly the exact thing happened and I'm kind of stuck and drawing progress is going way to slow now. (I did get a lot of progress on the Dream Molder scenes instead though, so that's at least something I guess.)

My idea was to draw a comic and animate the r18 panels, so I would have some content for both sfw and nsfw.
Since I cant get anything done however I will focus on the one sketch that turned out alright and make some different variations of it.

Kinda sad that it turned out that way but I guess that's why I tested it.
Maybe I can actually get some more stuff done this month after all, let's just wait and see for now.

For anyone interested here's a little teaser of the sketch I'm working on right now:

WIP > Cropped NSFW Version

I'm going to upload the full/highres image on my patreon once the different versions are done.
It's not what I planned on doing but I hope some of you are still looking forward to it.