Just a quick update~

Hey everyone, I didn't actually want to make a big post for this or anyhting but ended up writing too much to post on discord or in the sidebar, so here it is anyway:

I kinda took my time with everything the last few days as I had a lot going on but I've pretty much finished coloring and preparing all of the graphics needed for the different animations needed for the fair scene.

I've also redrawn a few of the backgrounds over the days to increase overall quality, or at least try since I'm not quite satisfied yet.

I've also been trying to figure out the lighting stuff I was talking about still so that I won't have to spend ages on every single animation from here on out.
To not waste any more time however I'm just gonna start animation now and think about that later.

Animation is going to be done in 4 steps:
-Building the model
-Building the parameters(pretty much animation of each individual part, most time consuming step)
-editing some more details and adding minor effects (lighting, liquids, background effects, etc)
and lastly- build and export the animation itself

Take that times 3 and the scene is pretty much doen and ready to be put into the game.

I will take some extra time before that to work on other stuff (Tama, random animations, etc) because I really need a break from DM. (Gonna be a week at max and I might end up working on the animations either way)

After that however I will go straight to finishing the animation and scene to release HQ versions of the animation + a remade fair scene ready to be put into EP1 and on patreon.

All that's left after that will be one more path to work on and some finetuning on the different scripts to display the model and properly implement the tama into the game, then I'm ready to give out the first few test versions of EP1 for bug fixing purposes and proof reading/etc.

I'm not sure yet if that version is gonna be patreon only, given out to everyone or just a couple of people that want to help, but we'll talk about that once the animations are out.

One last thing~
It's been mentioned that people are asking for a proper place to find the discord server so I'm putting it here for now:  InDarkWaters Discord Server Link

I'm going to look for a proper place to put (FA/DA and Patreon) once I post the remade fair animations, until then however this has to suffice.

I hope to get some more work done on the tama over the week to show off soon too, for now this is all I can give for an update though.
I hope you all have a nice upcoming weekend and hope to see you then!
