Braixen Creator & Info to "Upcoming" Dream Molder Episode/Release

Yay, new blogpost! (For real this time)

I've already said this when I was posting this last night, but it's been a while since I've posted an update over here.
I've been quite busy getting everything done that I wanted and although it took a lot longer than I expected too it was still in the timeframe that I planned it to be finished.

The whole thing turned out to be a lot harder to make then expected, mostly because of software/engine limitations that I didn't expect and will have to think about when working on stuff in the future.
The result wasn't quite what I wanted to relase, but it's the best I could do in the time frame at least.

For everyone wondering what I'm even talking about/worked on over the weeks I mean the

Braixen Creator

A small tool I made to test out the capabilities of the model/animation technique I wanted to use in Dream Molder.
While I always planned on using it from the beginning I never actually tried it before, which is why I had to play around with a lot of different details until I knew what I'm actually going for.

The side product of this was the Braixen Creator.

Pretty much a tool to test and improve my ability to implement Fia's model + customization in the game.
Used to not only test the needed scripts and methods to implement the model and animations into the game but also show that I'm actually working on stuff, even if it takes a while. :,D

It's definitely not perfect, there's a lot of customizations and animations that need a fair bit of work.
But I now know what is possible for me to do and I can move on knowing that what I have will actually be usable since everything that doesn't got filtered out until now.

The tool was actually meant to be somewhat fancier.
I wanted to make it patreon only and have it paid for since I've worked quite some time on all of this and I was a bit split here. I didn't feel like it was worth all the wait.
I know that everyone supporting can/would decide for themselfs if they want to keep going after whatever I updoad/want payment for, I also don't want to make anyone feel scammed though.

Even more so since a lot of people are supporting me for my animations, not for the DM work/stuff I do.That's why I ended up releasing it for everyone instead.
So even though it's not much, have some fun playing and creating whatever you want with it. :D


Download Censored Version:
Braixen Creator a0.2 Censored - Windows    (>32Bit Version here<)
Braixen Creator a0.2 Censored - Linux
Braixen Creator a0.2 Censored - Mac

Download Uncensored Version:
Braixen Creator a0.2 - Windows                      (>32Bit Version here<)
Braixen Creator Light a0.2 - Windows

Braixen Creator a0.2 - Linux
Braixen Creator a0.2 - Mac

Browser Version Light: 
(Does not work for everyone, but doesn't need download and works on portable devices)
Braixen Creator a0.2 - Browser

Known Bugs:
-Quite a bit of loading time at start up in Default Versions (only loads when in focus, need to wait through the black screen :c)
-Lucario Style Shoulders might have layer Problems?
-There's still a few styles that weren't animated/properly modeled yet. (Only in there for fun/screenshots [1 Hairstyle, 2 Makeup, 1 Outfit/Hair accessory?])
-Animations/Model need work and improvements in general, please keep in mind that this is really just for fun and not a serious release

Custom Textures / Color Palettes

For everyone that was hoping for a certain color palette or texture that didn't make it into the creator I've actually got some good news, the textures are open to edit and use by anyone and it's fairly easy to do so too!
I'm gonna write/upload somewhat of an tutorial with pictures after posting this, so if you need help just take a look over here:

But now on to the more important stuff...

First Dream Molder Episode / Release

I've just spend 30 minutes writing some emotional, kinda cringy rant about what I've done and learned up to this day, only to scrap it all because it didn't really say anything about whats actually coming up (and was probably more embarassing than anything).
So let's keep things short instead. :D

While I released lot's of demos and other random information/stuff for Dream Molder I've never once released an actual presentation of what I imagined Dream Molder to be.

This month, I will start building the first half of exactly that though.
The first actual release, so to say.

I know it took me a while to get to this point and honestly I'm not sure if it was worth putting all this work into it myself. We're only going to know once it's out though.
So let's start and finally release something proper that everyone can enjoy!

Since there's still quite some work needed to actually finish the game I'm planning on releasing it in multiple parts or "Episodes" that I will put together to a full game in the end.

I've actually planned on making a smaller episode (1/3 -1/4 of the game) and releasing them in 1-2 months each, starting this month.
After going through everything planned one more time however I changed my mind and will instead do a bigger Episode that covers around half of the game.

This means I will have to do a bit more work and probably push back release by another month (april instead of march), but the work of this episode will cover most of what's needed for the whole game and all things left will be H-Scenes (which the first episode won't have a lot of) and CG's (Which are actually the most time consuming part of all of this).

What will Episode 1 cover?
While I'm saying that it's the first half it's definitely not half the content yet, but rather half the story,
the calm part before actual stuff happens I guess.

It's going to include 20~ish scenes (of 40~), 2 H-Scenes (of 9~) and the first half of 3 game paths (of 5).
I know that most people are probably waiting for the H-Scenes, so releasing the tame stuff first isn't the best option for everyone.
Having only the H-Scene stuff left after that though will make things a lot easier for me and also give a lot of new animations and content for the months that follow after that.

There's probably more to say to this but I will put out an list of what's needed exactly and what steps need to be taken in order to finish everything on the progress page as always.

So if you're interested in any of the details take a look over there!

I feel like I kinda forgot about what I actually wanted to say, but I'm just going to end this here so I can move on with working on everything needed for the first release as fast as possible! :D
But before I go...
I know I told this a couple of times but I'm thankful to everyone out there who's supporting me and looking forward to the stuff I do.
You guys keep me going and I hope that I can soon release the game you were waiting for. :>

Have a nice weekend everyone and I'll update you whenever something important happens!
I hope to see you around when Episode 1 releases, stay healthy until then! :D