Everything going way too slow this month.. v.v

Hey everyone, It's been almost 2 weeks since my last update and thought another small one would be nice.
Work is going slowly right now because of me working and having less time + bad mood that gives me even less motivation and energy atm.
Was hoping to get everything done by 25th this month but that probably wont happen.
I have a free day tomorror so I've got the time to do some more stuff, let's hope I get something done.

So far I got out most of the bugs that the current version of the game has.
Fullscreen should work now, some minor hang ups and some gallery related bugs have been fixed as well.
Had to rewrite a lot of scripts in the whole game to make it work for some reason.
Definitely changing the software as soon as possible. xD

I also extracted the text of the game to search for grammar and spelling errors, since english and writing isn't exactly my forte. xD
I did correct a lot of stuff but I still have to reinsert the text into the game by hand. :/

Title screens are also done and animated.
I will upload them together with the link of the public version of the game later this month.
Here's a small preview though if you're interested.

Like I said in the last post, it's nothing big. Just some small movements to give the title more life.

Last thing I'm working on before I put everything together again is the patreon exclusive animation.
I decided to make the cheat menu in the title screen patreon exlusive too. So if you have Ideas for any additional cheats you can just let me now and I'll add what I can. :>

The animation still needs some time though, that's why I think that I won't get done till the 25th.
I finished the picture but I'm still far from animating. As in the last post, I'm taking apart the image and put it together as a model to properly animate it right now.
Depending on how many different animation loops I want to make out of it the animation itself will also take some additional time to make.

Here's a convienient lightray version of the picture though, so you can imagine how it could look like if I actually get it done.

I'll upload an uncensored version of the picture on Furaffinity once I'm done animating.
The animation itself will be part of the patreon version of the game and as an downloadable hq video on too.

So far so good, wish me luck with the creating and sorry that I'm taking my time,
I'm still pretty bad at all this.. D:

Thanks for everyone that follows my post's and progress here though. :3
I'll keep you updated, hopefully.

Just some random Update on what I'm working on right now... :>

Thought I should  give some update on what I have planned for this month so far, so impatient people like me have something for now and I can stop breaking my head that anyone could think that I'm not doing anything or loose interest. xD

So here's the plan:

Right now I'm working on the 2 title screens for the VN Demo.
Yep, 2.
Thought it would be cool to have one of them randomly pop up upon opening the game.
Right now they look something like this:

I tried to give them a more painterly style unlike the rest of the art in the game.
First time trying that, but I think it came out alright.
Still need to work on my background skills, but let's shove that aside for now. xD

I wont do too many changes on them either since I think that's the best I can do atm.
Might do some more effects and/or lightning changes, before I do those I will start animating the pictures though.

Nothing fancy, just some waving grass and a breathing animation on braixen maybe.
That would bring us to the thing I'm doing right now, cutting everything into peaces to make it usable for animating.

I think this is the longest and most annoying step about preparing the work on those animation.
The title screens wont have too many parts since the animation wont be too fancy, but it's annoying nonetheless.

So in the end it should only take me a few days to finish those.

After that I will start fixing some of the bugs and grammar errors left in the game and it should be ready to upload it as the public version.

I wont upload it until the end of the month though so my patrons have something like a reward for supporting me, beeing able to play the game a month before public release.
I also want to try making one additional H-Scene Animation until then as additional reward.

The animation was actually supposed to be part of the game but after rewriting the H-Scene a couple of times to make it sound acceptable it didn't fit in anymore, so I left it out.

This was just the sketch that I used for the first few tests of the game, but I plan to color it, cut it into usable peaces, make a skeleton out of it and animate it properly.
It would be cool if I could get it done and upload it as a short hq video reward for my patrons before end of the month, I'm not too sure about how much I get done though since I start working again this month and there's some constructions on my apartment going on that could get bigger problems.
Worst that could happen would be that I have to move out till end of the year, but let's not be too negative here. xD

I got more support than I expected with the patreon release of the demo what actually really surprised me.
I know it's not the world, but I'm still happy about all the support, sharing and attention my work got. This is supposed to be something like a thank-you for your interest. :>

So I can't promise anything, but let's hope I'll get this done! :D

One last thing, I know that the blog here isn't the best spot to post updates since it get's the least attention, but I dont want to post anything on Patreon or FA as long as I don't actually have anything to upload.
I thought about removing this blog since it's pretty much just laying around, but for now I guess I'll just keep it and post my random thoughts like this one here until I change my mind. xD

If you didn't play the game yet you can download it at my patreon over here:

If you want to wait for the public release I'll see you there. :D
Thank you for your interest and sorry for the long post. ;3

I should give an Update I guess...

Guess I should update here too.

First of all sorry that I take so long for updates on the whole thing.
Sadly I still dont have the time to do a lot of work on the game or even less give updates on the progress.

Im pretty much done with the second half of the demo, at least story wise.
I've roughly colorated the images I still needed and put everything together into the game.

The only thing missing that is still using placeholders are the H-Scene animations for the
Hentai Version of the game.

Like I said I dont have much time at the moment though and it can still take a few weeks until everythings done.
But to put everything together:
Once I'm done with the animations I will put the last finishing toughes on the other images and
put the H-Version of the game together.
Then I'm pretty much done and ready to upload both the second half of the SFW Demo and
the H-one.
I know it's not much but I hope you're looking forward for it!

To show that Im actually working on something I uploaded some progress of the H-Scene im working on right now at Furaffinity.
Since I want to keep the Blog SFW I'll wont show it here but keep a link to FA at the bottom.

In trade I will upload some of the sketches and rough colorations that were still missing.

I think I actually got somewhat better since I started this and I hope to imrpove even further
in the future so I can make a Full game at same point for all of you to play.

Have a nice day everyone, I'll keep you updatet! (Let's hope so :^D)

Here some of the colored but unshaded/unfinished sketches:
Sadly not much to show for now like I said, most stuff that was done was nsfw or program related.

Link to NSFW animation progress at FA:

Braixen Visual Novel 0.1!

Hey everyone!
It hasn't been too long since my last update I guess...

I still hardly have any time to work on the game right now.
What makes it worse is that the time I do work on it I also see how bad it is going, Im everything but pleased with how it came out.

But I guess that's what I have to live with if I just start out?

But whatever! In the little time I had I put together a small demo version with sketches and unfinished drawings!
It's not the prettiest thing to look at as I already said up above, but it's the first step for having anything to show I guess...

I'll put a download below but keep in mind that there is still a lot to work on and I will need some help from you guys to make it better!

Things to expect for now:

  • Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors
           Sadly English isn't my mother language and Im not good enough with it
           too write a flaweless story.
           If you see any mistakes I did or know how to write something better pls
           feel free to notify me about it.

  • Bad Storywriting
           I never did any storywriting before.
           Passages will sound funny or simply not professional or good.
           What makes it even harder for me is to find the right words in english.
           So the same as above, if you think something sounds funny just tell me
           what would make it better!

  • Unfinished Drawings
           Every peace of art in the game was for practice.
           Since I dont draw regularry my drawings or drawing style wont be the best.
           I even tried out different ones in different parts of the game.
           Backgrounds are the biggest problem for me so far.
           Im trying to get better though and replace or upgrade Image after Image when I feel that
           I got good enough.

  • Short and unfinished Story
           The demo isn't done yet and the next Update will include the Dream Part of the game
           where you interact with the more human-like Dream-Braixen.
           The NSFW Version will also have a H-Scene Added with the next update.

  • Unfavorable Music
          So far I only put some free downloaded Music from Dova-Syndrome into the game.
          They will get replaced once I have something original ready.
          It wont completly fit the situation or style but some might prefer it instead of silence.
          If you dont like it you always have the option to mute the game. xD

If you're fine with all of the above I guess go for it! xD
I guess most people will only care for the H-Scenes so I will work until I finish those and then Update to the newer Version with the Full Demo Story.
I will still need to finish:
3 Animations
3 Character Images
4 Splash Arts

It's not too much but I wont be able to tell you how long it will take.

After the next Update I will probably shelf the project for now.
Im not fast/good enough to work on it without loosing interest since people wont react without me
posting updates from time to time.

I will probably work on Commissions or "The Monster Witch's Inn" for now.
Just doing some small stuff to get better and update this whenever I feel like it and think that I have the skill for it now.

With enough people giving feedback I might still work on it afterwards, I doubt it for now though. :D

Download Link for v0.1 Dream Molder - Braixen Visual Novel


Just extract the zip wherever you want and start the Dream_Molder.exe
to start the game. Have fun. :3

Regular Updates and new Braixen VN Info

Hey everyone,
so much for weekly updates... ^^" *shrug*

This last month wasn't too kindly with free time.
A lot was going on and I didn't really had the time to do anything at the computer,
let alone post an update.
I did color 1 or 2 pictures that I didn't really like in the end, but for the purpose of finishing everything first I'll keep it this way now.

One of the pictures was the sketch I was working on that I uploaded last time.

So yeah, didn't get much stuff done over the month that is ready for the game now..

What I did however, was redrawing a lot of sketches, poses and backgrounds for the next part of the game.
The next Dream Part of the Demo features "Human Form" Braixen.
I did some sketches and H-animation tests with her that I uploaded on Furaffinity.

But when I got to coloring them I realized that I dont really like half of them anymore.
And since I didn't have the chance to draw on the computer anyway, I took the chance and
redrawn all of the sketches related to the Dream Scene and Human Braixen.

Some of them were simple improvements like proportions and face features, others were completly changed or repositioned because the old ones simply didnt fit the style or looked bad.

I still need to draw 1 or 2 sketches to finish it off, then I proceed with the coloring and animating.
I will leave some of the sketches down below for you to see the differences between them and the old ones. I will still change some things on them on the computer before coloring like body size or proportions, just so you know if you see differences later on in the colored versions.
There's still some stuff off in the drawings, so tell me what could be made better!

By the way, I still have some more stuff going on this month and I cant be sure that I get much work done...
I hope that everything calms down until the end of the month so I can dedicate more of my time next month!

I'll see you when I got some new info/updates for you, 'till then! :>

First Post! Braixen VN Update

Hey everyone!
To start things off, this is my new blog.

I'll try to keep me interested and working on the stuff I do. Giving updates on what Im doing right now probably is what works best at the moment.
Sadly, I dont have to much time to work on it right now since I have some real life related problems going on.
But I'll try to work on it at least once a week and do at least one post about the progress after.

What Im doing right now is redrawing Backgrounds and CG for putting everything together into the game so I can give out something like very a WIP version.
Since I've never drawn backgrounds before I've run into quite some problems. xD

Took me a while but I think that I improved a little while trying.

I still need to put a lot of work into them: shading, outlines and missing stuff needs to be added in quite a few. The first and the last one are the only one I've done completly because they are going to be CG's and I want to finish those before adding the foreground.
Alltogether I need to practice drawing backgrounds, the quality is clearly lacking. xD

The next thing Im working on is a cg where I've just now redrawn the sketch.
The first attempt that I used to put together a small demo for myself looked kind of derpy and unproportional. The new one got a lot cuter and more Braixen like, even though the change in style might be a problem if I dont want to redraw everything.
It kind of changed over the last few drawings. I hope I can find a middle way. ^^"

So I'm pretty much finishing off the bg's and cg's for now and the H-Animations will come next.
Next step would be adding some improvised background music for now and it's ready for an very WIP upload.
After that I would work on improving the backgrounds, redrawing and animating the characters with live2d and the Demo would be pretty much done. :>
Maybe adding some voice/sounds if people want it. ^^

That's all for now, I'll keep you updated. ^^