Progress Summary August - early September

Hello everyone, I'm back with another progress update that's way overdue~
I've actually been really sick last month and been online even less than usual because of that.
There also hasn't been a lot of progress because of it either, but as alsways I'll try talking about everything that happened and what still needs to be done/comes next.

Short Summary

Script Work
-lots of rewriting and adding of story distributed between different scenes
-finalized a few more scenes

Art / Coloring Work
-started work on next H-Animation (completely colored first scene, prepared textures for animation, etc)
-working on another 2 random animation (coloring, preparing textures, etc)
-some art for side projects

Braixen Creator / Tamagotchi Work
-Implemented first few character traits and natures 
-Made simple intro scene to roll nature / traits and a status screen

Some more detailed info and the usual rambling
Altogether most of the work that happened last month went into rewriting and finalizing the different scenes and story parts.
I'm taking waaaay too long for these and really should have looked for help to get them done faster.

Considering how far I'm into finishing all of them and how chaotic the script/writing files are it's pretty unlikely to still find someone that I can give everything to though.
At least not for EP1.

I do get people asking about release dates and if it's soonish every now and then since everyone's getting impatient (understandably so with how slow I am).
And while I'm really not sure how long it'll still take it's not going to be too much longer.

So let's just wait and hope for a 2020 release.

If not I'm definitely going to release a couple of other things until then, (Braixen Tamagotchi, Remade Fair Animations,...) so we've at least got something to look forward to.

Upcoming animation remake and other art related stuff
As already mentioned I've started remaking the old fair animations and art this month.
There's been a lot of people that felt like the old stuff was usuable and didn't have to be replaced but I think that it should at least get somewhat of an upgrade to fit with the new art style.

The "new" animation will consist of 3 different scenes, 2 reworked and 1 newly added that used to be a CG.
I will start by coloring and preparing textures for all 3 of them, then build the live2D models for each before I start animating.

For those of you that played the old fair demo and are wondering about the changes I'm going to post some info and peviews over >HERE (NSFW!)<, if you played the h-sketch demo you've probably seen most of it already though.

Once the animations are done I will upload a remade demo similar to the office one before adding the whole scene to EP1 where all that's left to finish before release will be scripting path 3 and the additional art related work. (CG's, animate poses, etc)

Other/random animations
As most people following me probably know I've used to make random animations inbetween to upload on patreon for support.
After putting main focus on DM I stopped doing this altogether, or at least making full animations.

I did draw lots of sketches and smaller ideas for future stuff, but never really posted any of them.
Only exception of this was Lopunny which was supposed to be out ages ago.
(This one:)

Bright as I am however I've overwritten the wrong file while working on it and pretty much lost the whole base image/coloration, meaning I would have needed to redraw, color, cut and prepare textures from the beginning which I (until last month) never had the motivation to do.

Now that I'm back to where I was before overwriting the file I at least have everything I need if I decide to go back working on the animation.

If you're wondering how that overwriting stuff can happen, I usually try to use the least amount of files possible to save space/keep clarity.
While working on the layers for the animation however I've accidently wrote over the full image that had the coloration and outlines of all the layers inside, pretty much leaving me behind with only the flat image.

I normally have backups and all, but not this time.
That was a sad day. :c

I did work on few other animations but since I've focused DM I never really got further than sktches and little color tests.
One that I was also able to work on over the month though is a Sneasel animation that I've sketched a while back already and had the time to color just last month.
(This one, I think I shared the sketch back then too..?)

Same again, I'm not sure where to go animation/action wise yet but the base is colored and prepared for animation.
Just need some idea besides cute posing to make it worth uploading :,p

Braixen Creator / Tamagotchi related stuff
I actually put a lot of work into the Braixen Tama last month since I had nothing else to do being sick.

Upon first starting the Braixen Tamagotchi you will now answer a few question to roll a randomized Braixen which nature and traits depend on what answers you give.

After that you will be able to visit a Pokémon rescue center and "adopt" additional generated Braixens that change every now and then.

Here's an example for some random rolls with the debug tool:

There's about 40ish traits right now that all affect your Braixens behaviour in some way or form.
For now both traits and character are permanent, but I'm planning on giving a way to slowly change both over time.

This way you can get rid of negative traits or learn/improve on some that you like.

A LOT of thought went into putting the whole system together and I'm actually thinking of releasing this as is in case EP1 takes too long.
It's not 100% complete though and a lot of graphical aspects are still missing, so for now I'm just working on it on the side as before.

There's a lot more that I wanted to talk about but I don't want to make this a Tamagotchi related post either. °x°
For now I'm gonna make the Fair Animation, but for everyone interested in the Braixen Creator part there's a lot to look forward to.

That's pretty much all I've got to report today..
A lot of stuff happened on the side.
I had way too many ideas for the Tamagotchi, I'm working on a harvest moon style game which I always kinda wanted to do..

Being sick I kinda needed that change of pace I guess.
There's lot's of things that I want to share and work on with you guys but for now I'll go back to EP1 of DM.

Once that releases I'll look for a proper team to help me out/that shares similar ideas and hopefully releases and progress will go a lot faster by then.

As always thanks for reading through everything.
There really wasn't a lot to show this time around but I hope you still found the post interesting.

I'll give some proper previews/additional info over on the animation link above to make up for it!

Sorry for the long wait everyone, have a nice weekend and let's hope for some better news for the next post!