Happy Holidays everyone! (Edit-03.01.2019)

Just a quick update for everyone not following my patreon on what I'm doing right now and what's going to happen next.

What I'm working on rest of the month:

As posted before I took things a bit slower with Dream Molder this month and worked on the Lucario picture instead.
And even though I did like the feedback I actually wanted to make an animation out of it until today, which I sadly didn't get done in time...

I'm still working on it though and maybe I can still get it out before end of the year when I start investing more time into dream molder again.

Here's a little preview to the lucario animation:

This really is highly WIP.
As you can see some parts are still missing/not moving with the model properly.
But the model is almost done and I'm looking forward to trying around with it and see what I can do with it in the end.

I'm hoping to get a small moving/breathing animation loop like this for wallpaper use and maybe one with more action or even somewhat interactive.

But we'll see what I can do.
Of course I will upload high Quality Versions of it on my Patreon again, and if I don't get it done by end of the month I wont charge for it by the time it's out.

EDIT 2 ################
Happy new year everyone!

I already wanted to get the lucario animation out days ago, but the rendering is taking ages.
I have way too many different version and it takes up to an hour for just one to render.
That's mostly my computer that keeps freezing on me while trying to convert the stuff but worst is that I keep finding obvious mistakes that I have to correct, but always after rendering the file.

Sorry about the extra wait, I'll upload them the moment I can!

What I do next month:
I got asked if I'm going to post art like this every month from now on, and I probably wont have the time if I want to get some proper progress on Dream Molder.
However, I'm thinking about doing this every second month and let you vote which pokemon in the time I'm not drawing anything.

Right now I don't have any idea for a Pokemon/Picture yet, so feel free to tell  me what you would like to see.

That's pretty much all the time I have for this post right now and I'll probably edit/look over it tomorrow.

So until then... happy holidays and a nice start into the week everyone!

Short Update

Hey everyone, just giving the short update I promised in the side-bar.

I was actually hoping that I could release the sketch demo before end of the year, but after running a few tests on the first couple scenes that I finished I found way too many bugs and little mistakes that still needed change before I can actually release anything.

And I'm not even done with all of them yet...

And since I don't have that much time to work on it at the moment I will most probably not be able to get it out before end of the year..

Seeing your feedback however I feel like taking my time to work everything out seems to be the better option anyways and I won't have to worry as much about it.
Thanks for that.

Most people probably aren't even interested in the sketch demo anyway since it will mostly consist of text.

Instead I'm hoping to at least get some random artwork out and maybe even make a H animation out of it.
Here is one of the few sketches I did that has the highest probability that I'm going to keep working on it:


(Update: 14.12.18 Not much time to give info right now since I have to get up in the morning, but wanted to at least show the progress.
Picture is about done, with lots of different variations of it as well.
With and without breasts, male/female, "censored" one without gender and so on..
Even with shiny version of all of them.

Not quite satisfied with them, but probably not able to do it better at the moment either.
Gonna upload it on a few sites and think about adding a few patreon ranks to upload the projects files for it as a reward as well. Not sure about it though..
For now I'll just leave you with this :>)

I drew multiple version of it. A male, female and a anthropomorphic (the sketch) one.
If I'm going to properly colorate it I'm going to upload all of them on patreon, but I'll let you know when I actually do.

The longer I'm working on the game the more I realize that I need some help if I want to finish it at some point, so I'm still thinking of how to actually take some.
If you have some ideas of how I should handle things let me know.

That's all for now, I'll update over here in this post if there's anything going on.