Started drawing phase

Nothing too big here. Just wanted to let you know that I finished everything from story/dialogue to addtional notes/material list and already started drawing.

For now it's only sketches, character and outfit designs mostly.
But after will be the actual Expressions/Poses and CG's for the game.
(Even though I'm already bored/annoyed of design sketches and might start with those sooner xD)

I still need to figure out how I do it though and get the feel for it again.
But once I get used to the drawing the progress will be faster.

For anyone interested here's some numbers from the material list:

I will have to sketch around:
Character / Clothing Designs ~ 40x
Characters                               ~ 10x
Poses / expressions                 ~ 250x
CG's / Pictures                        ~ 300x
BG's                                        ~ 50x

Those numbers are definitely way too high.
Especially the CG's are too many and I will probably need to rethink some scenes to reduce that number.
Not all of them are CG's, some of them are simple pictures of objects that get shown or simply variations of another on a different path but I will probably still have to sort out a few.

The way I will do it for now is that I start with the character poses, add the different expressions to them, then work on the CG's to check if they're really needed and can be replaced with similear character poses.
Scenes that aren't as impactful will probably stay written instead of showing them in CG, this should make it possible for now...
Can't tell before trying I guess.

But that's pretty much it.
I already started some Pose and Character sketches but will only update the progress bar once they're done, since I like going over to the next if I'm stuck on one sketch.
Still kind of annoyed by the little amount of time I have to work on it right now, but I'll try to make the most out of it.

One last thing...
I also started a random-CG like picture of Braixen+Childhood friend to post on some Art related sites like FA and DA (slightly lewd to get some attention xD) to remind people of this project/blog and provide some additional links to it. (Going to update profiles to include the link as well.)
This should make it easier to find this blog since this seemed to be a problem.

It's still WIP and it looks like I need to figure out how to properly colorate first. (I'm also unsure about childhood friends haircolor to be honest, never really thought about it. xD)
But I thought I show you what I'm working on and stuff.
I'm also going to upload a bigger/hq version of it on patreon once it's done.
I'm gonna concentrate on the sketches for now though.

Also for anyone that doesn't care about seeing some spoilers here is a additional sketch:
>>> Spoilers <<<
Some people were looking forward to this one, so I thought I would show the design to you in case it isn't what you were hoping for. So just let me know if you like it or not.

Im going to add some additional stuff on the spoiler page later on, like some CG and (maybe)h-scene sketches once they're done. I thought about uploading the whole story+dialogues as well.
Would need to clean up the text for that though, sort everything for better readability and so on..
This would all take away a lot of time from sketching though and I will have to figure out when to do it first. Especially since I would sort and clean it up once I make the first demo anyway.

But this way curious people would already have something to look at and can give feedback on different scenes / straighten it out if they wanted to, so I keep it in mind.

Okay, that's all for now and I actually didn't want to write that much.
Just wanted to give through some numbers and let you know what I'm doing. :>