Dream Molder game length and progress update

Hey everyone!
I actually didn't want to give updates without any pictures or anything new to see, but I also
didnt want to go too long without any news again...

A few weeks ago I said that I'm going to finish the scipt for Dream Molder next and today after work I finally sat down another 8 hours without break to finish the last bit of it.

It's around 3am here right now and I have to get up again in the morning so I'm trying to not drag this out too long and give out some Info on what I have and what I still have to do right now.
If anyone wants to have more infos or has wishes / proposals for the game, you can always leave me a message.
Preferably on Furaffinity or Deviant Art since I visit them on breaks or on the road and will see them fastest.
I will see them here too at some point, but until the site actually has some activity it will take much longer before I realize, sry about that. D:

Enough of that, here we go:

Game Size / Length
The game itself is devided into ~18 scenes for one playthrough. (Without counting in H-Scenes)
In comparison, the Dream Molder demo I released used 3 scenes.
  • The story introduction + day at fair
  • The dream scene at night
  • The H-Scene
If we say that the Demo was ~1 hour of gameplay, the full game lengh should be around 6 hours for one playthrough.
This is estimated pretty generously of course since the demo wasn't 1 hour of gameplay for everyone.
Additionally the scenes won't all have the same lenght so it's really just a guess for now.
But adding the H-Scenes it'll hopefully get to at least 6-7 hours.

For additional info, I will reuse the scenes from the demo but completly rewrite them to better fit the whole story and fresh them up.

Planned are 5 endings for now and I hope to add a lot of small questions that might not influence the story / ending but change up the gameplay in a way, like additional styles and outfits for Braixen.
The different endings (unlike the demo ones) completly change the outcome of the story and if the player even gets to be with Braixen.

2 Endings are with Braixen, 1 with a story relevant girl, 1 could be called the harem route and the last one is a secret. :>

Every ending has his own path and scenes, but the length of the playthrough completly depends on the story and where the path splits up.
So a lot of scenes get reused or just slightly changed until the big change hits.
I still hope that they're worth playing through all of them in the end.

What's still to do?
Next step is properly writing and finishing all the dialogues.
This is going to take a while again, but its the last step before I can start drawing and uploading pictures and sketches for the game.

I also still need to write the Hentai Scenes.
I do have them planned already, but it's easier for me to write them out after I finished the animation to properly match what I drew and make the scene longer / more enjoyable.
Again, makes it slower so its not the best methode but the best I can do right now.

I dont think that it will work out until then, but I hope to get it done over the next 2 weeks.
It all comes down to how much time I have after work and the biggest one if my health plays along.

I really wish I could do this faster, but for now this is all I can do...
Tell me what you guys think and I'm gonna update whenever Im done and ready to draw and animate!

Have a nice week everyone and see you next time! :3