I should give an Update I guess...

Guess I should update here too.

First of all sorry that I take so long for updates on the whole thing.
Sadly I still dont have the time to do a lot of work on the game or even less give updates on the progress.

Im pretty much done with the second half of the demo, at least story wise.
I've roughly colorated the images I still needed and put everything together into the game.

The only thing missing that is still using placeholders are the H-Scene animations for the
Hentai Version of the game.

Like I said I dont have much time at the moment though and it can still take a few weeks until everythings done.
But to put everything together:
Once I'm done with the animations I will put the last finishing toughes on the other images and
put the H-Version of the game together.
Then I'm pretty much done and ready to upload both the second half of the SFW Demo and
the H-one.
I know it's not much but I hope you're looking forward for it!

To show that Im actually working on something I uploaded some progress of the H-Scene im working on right now at Furaffinity.
Since I want to keep the Blog SFW I'll wont show it here but keep a link to FA at the bottom.

In trade I will upload some of the sketches and rough colorations that were still missing.

I think I actually got somewhat better since I started this and I hope to imrpove even further
in the future so I can make a Full game at same point for all of you to play.

Have a nice day everyone, I'll keep you updatet! (Let's hope so :^D)

Here some of the colored but unshaded/unfinished sketches:
Sadly not much to show for now like I said, most stuff that was done was nsfw or program related.

Link to NSFW animation progress at FA: