First Post! Braixen VN Update

Hey everyone!
To start things off, this is my new blog.

I'll try to keep me interested and working on the stuff I do. Giving updates on what Im doing right now probably is what works best at the moment.
Sadly, I dont have to much time to work on it right now since I have some real life related problems going on.
But I'll try to work on it at least once a week and do at least one post about the progress after.

What Im doing right now is redrawing Backgrounds and CG for putting everything together into the game so I can give out something like very a WIP version.
Since I've never drawn backgrounds before I've run into quite some problems. xD

Took me a while but I think that I improved a little while trying.

I still need to put a lot of work into them: shading, outlines and missing stuff needs to be added in quite a few. The first and the last one are the only one I've done completly because they are going to be CG's and I want to finish those before adding the foreground.
Alltogether I need to practice drawing backgrounds, the quality is clearly lacking. xD

The next thing Im working on is a cg where I've just now redrawn the sketch.
The first attempt that I used to put together a small demo for myself looked kind of derpy and unproportional. The new one got a lot cuter and more Braixen like, even though the change in style might be a problem if I dont want to redraw everything.
It kind of changed over the last few drawings. I hope I can find a middle way. ^^"

So I'm pretty much finishing off the bg's and cg's for now and the H-Animations will come next.
Next step would be adding some improvised background music for now and it's ready for an very WIP upload.
After that I would work on improving the backgrounds, redrawing and animating the characters with live2d and the Demo would be pretty much done. :>
Maybe adding some voice/sounds if people want it. ^^

That's all for now, I'll keep you updated. ^^